History of the Organization
Uday Social Development Society is a Non Profit Organization under the umbrella of Pavitra Atma Sevika Sangh, managed by the Holy Spirit Sisters (SSpS) based at Bhopal in Central India, working for the integral development of children and women. Uday started working in Jatkhedi and Bagmugalia slums in the year 2001. It became a registered body on 22nd October 2003 under the Madhya Pradesh Societies Registration Act 1973. An evaluation of Uday was conducted in October 2009 and as per the recommendation, the activities of Uday were expanded to different parts of Madhya Pradesh
Our organization believes in the promotion of human rights and equal opportunities for everyone. We promote Local Self Governance especially the three tier system of Panchayati Raj with the active involvement of women. Self Help Groups are trained to play a significant role to address development issues and thus uplift the socio-economic status of the families.
Every human being must enjoy dignity, peace and equal rights in communion with the nature.
Enabling people, especially the less privileged sections of the society to develop their human resource and access their rights.
Empowering women and children
Promoting holistic health and education
Promoting protection of environment